domingo, 25 de agosto de 2013

Mexico and its actual situation

Democracy in Mexico, a phrase that makes us think a lot, because it has always been a topic of debate.This country became democratic when other countries and political parties began to press.I believe that many people who are in charge of lifting this country do not have well defined the concept of democracy, so how they can say that Mexico is a democratic country if all they do is want to keep their individual power and continue competing.

For example, in the United States specifically in the city of Washington they have a very clear idea of what democracy means, and this is reflected in its buildings; because every building is at the same height, as none can be higher than the Capitol; this building is the one that represents democracy and therefore no one can be above democracy. This kind of mentality is the one that should start to develop in our country and to show citizens that no one is above anyone, no matter how much power they have because in democracy all are equal. If a country want to move forward as it should they need to have a balance, we have to stop thinking that this country moves through competition of powers; a democratic country is going to advance when society start to discuss and choose their political system. It's about fighting and thinking that Mexico is a country of everyone; a government is nothing without a society and a society without a government, we have to agree together to reach a true democracy.

Energy reform is a topic that has given much to talk and can be related to democracy, because in this week was proposed to be made a plebiscite, in which the public authorities subject this topic to a direct popular vote, so the citizens can approve or reject the proposed energy reform; since many are not agree because they feel that is a factor that in the future may affect the country and they don´t believe in the benefits that are proposed. This might be a good time for democracy to be applied, so the opinion of society can be heard and everyone can reach an agreement and can be benefited.

Within democracy also talked about the rights that society has to express themselves and the freedom we have of choice. Much has been said in recent decades of the importance of Human Rights. In this regard, every day there are different attempts of the right to life, education, freedom of work, etc.. For example the case of teachers and their strikes, we all know that like human beings we have the right to fight for our ideals and express ourselves, but also we have the obligation to respect the rights of others, and within this social problem the rights  of third parties are not being respected; since people who are not into this problem are being affected; and it is not possible that as a country we do this, so with that the government believes that if we do this between us why they can´t do it if they have more power.And with this we give them the license  to manipulated us.

Seeing all this kind  social, political, educational problems, the authorities take advantage and try to reach people promising solutions to these conflicts making us believing that they are going to achieve the change we all want.  And they do this through their political speeches either in television commercials or in ads on radio or newspaper. Also making society believe that they want to reach the power in a democratic way, where the vote of the citizens is free and no one can influence.

domingo, 18 de agosto de 2013

Reforma Energética 2013

Actualmente este tema sobre la Reforma Energética se ha convertido en un gran debate, pero sobre todo en una decisión muy importante y compleja para nuestro país; ya que las consecuencias pueden o no afectar nuestro futuro como país, sobre todo en los asuntos económicos y los que tienen que ver con las relaciones con otros países; pues ambas son fundamentales para tener un gran desarrollo y crecimiento como país.

Como todo tema polémico existen argumentos a favor y en contra, y para este tema no es la excepción; ya que partidos como el PRD y el PT argumentan por ejemplo, que con esta Reforma se atenta contra la libertad nacional al permitir que países extranjeros ingresen al país y extraigan nuestro petróleo y por lo tanto es una reforma que piensa más en el enriquecimiento de los países extranjeros; por el otro lado hay quienes argumentan que con esta reforma se van a lograr ahorros económicos para la sociedad y un crecimiento energético. Pero en mi opinión la reforma tiene tanto cosas buenas como malas; ya que desde hace mucho tiempo se compra e importa la gasolina, por lo que no habría gran diferencia pues en realidad solo se rentaría el equipo extranjero para realizar las extracciones y por lo tanto ellos no tendrían el derecho de conservar el petróleo, y pues en ambas situaciones se esta gastando dinero lo que  causa el enriquecimiento de los países extranjeros. 

Se dice que PEMEX es de los mexicanos y pues hasta ahora ningún mexicano a recibido nada,y con la reforma no creo que esto cambie, por lo que los mexicanos no tendríamos grandes beneficios; al contrario la gasolina podría seguir aumentado su precio; ya que en el momento en que las empresas empiecen a participar e invertir en esta industria, por obviedad van a querer recibir algo a cambio ya que de cierta forma están corriendo riesgos al invertir en esta industria y la renta de los equipos es algo que también va influir; por lo que lo de los ahorros económicos no se cumplirían al cien por ciento. En realidad la reforma esta mas enfocada en seguir beneficiando a los países extranjeros y al gobierno, ni siquiera a la empresas nacionales ya que son las que corren con los riesgos.

Dentro de este tema la mercadotecnia ha sido algo fundamental para llegar a la aprobación; pues esta en todos los medios como si fuera un producto o servicio a la venta, haciendo sentir a la gente que es algo que necesita para su bienestar, y por lo tanto debe de ser aceptado.